To Be Takei

To Be Takei

In this day and age whether you’re a fan of the old Star Trek or not you’re still probably a fan of George Takei. He is one of the most shared celebrities on Facebook. He always finds a funny meme, or photo to pass along without the stress of being offensive to others. He believes in equality, human rights, race rights and gays rights. This, of course, makes sense since he is a gay Japanese American. If you want to know more about him Netflix is hooking you up with his movie To Be Takei which is a casual movie that follows his at home relationship, life as an actor, life in a Japanese internment camp and having to come out of the closet twice! Once in his personal life and then for all of the world to see, know and accept.

The movie starts with George Takei and his husband Brad Takei (Altman) taking a walk and going through their everyday motions. It really highlights their relationship and shows something raw and real you can tell that they love each other but at the same time they’re not above bickering and sharing junk food on long road trips. George likes to laugh and keep things light hearted and Brad is the cutest stress ball always keeping them on track.

George Takei still loves and has a passion for acting always taking on new roles as a voice actor, film actor and even hitting the stage on Broadway with no vocal training. He’s always searching for the next big thing and advocating through his art for human rights. Even lending his name to gay rights by making a new phrase “It’s okay to be Takei” meant to be used instead of gay when the government tried to ban the word gay from schools.

The movie follows him denying that he is a gay on the Howard Stern show as well as coming out again and Howard Stern tells him that everybody already knew the moment he denied it.

You get a sense of how much he cares about changing the world from his talks about how Asians are viewed in media and society and taking roles he wish he never would have. To how gays are viewed and the coming of age acceptance with fan fiction featuring Spock and Kirk being in a relationship and his going to pride events such as Chicago Pride.

My favorite is the moments you see him interacting with fans at Comic-Con. You can really see how functional his relationship with his husband Brad is. They are truly a team. The video also covers how they met and the story of it.takei-grorge-1-640

George Takei is paving ways for Japanese Americans and the LGBT community. He’s reaching out and the video shows how he’s humble and can balance a stable family life while also being a spokesperson and comforting those who are going through the same issues. His humor is acerbic and to the point and he really has a way of sticking to his ideals and points changing derogatory speech patterns.


It’s definitely something you can enjoy but be warned George and Brad Takei are going to be your ideal for #relationshipgoals.
