Pro Wrestler Matt Cage comes out as Gay

Matt Cage Comes out as Gay

With each coming out story I feel warm and fuzzy. This time it’s pro wrestler “Money” Matt Cage who came out as gay in a Facebook post. He made a long note that was very heartwarming outlining that he was scared of rejection and could no longer hide who he really is. He noted that he apologizes to anyone he hid from and lied to but in reality we all know what it’s like to be in the closet and have that kind of stress put on you in a negative society.

It began as a steady stream when he told friend in 2013 that he was bisexual before finally coming out as gay. As well as him we hope that his fans and promoters offer him equality and respect and that he can continue wrestling and doing something that he loves in an accepting environment.

He’s made sure to note that being gay does not mean he hates females and that he respects them. Something that is very mature to point out. On that note he said,done

“I have no real intentions of pursuing females at this stage of my life… I still find beautiful women beautiful. I don’t think that’ll ever change. But I think that to continue to claim something that’s not true is just continuing a streak of dishonesty and I don’t want that. Sorry, ladies. I’m officially pulling myself off of the market. Don’t hate me too bad.”

Matt Cage Facebook Post Im Gay

Yes, that’s right Matt Cage comes out as Gay. His decision to make a post about being gay was due to the fact that rumors were floating around. He noted that he had every intention to keep his personal life low key but finally came out to clear speculation and set the record… straight (well, gay but you know what I mean.)

Congratulations to “Money” for doing something that takes a lot of strength. I respect everything about the way he came out and I’m overjoyed to be able to welcome him with open arms into the strong LGBT community. It’s not easy but it will make him free. Read his Facebook post, it’s beautifully written.