Happy Pride Month!

Happy Pride Month 2015!

June is Pride month. This is the month that around the world we celebrate same love and equality. It’s the month where we build, share and love the people that were put down by being different than what society deemed normal. Every day is a struggle to reach acceptance but we continue on.

We hear on the news and we see what grey faces through the veil of a keyboard have to say. Hate still bubbles and it’s going to be a long battle to diminish it but we continue on with love in our hearts. We thank the pioneers of gay pride and those who were the first to step up and say that they were different and they had no intentions on changing. To those who decided that they would marry the one that they love. Our heart goes out to them and those whose names we didn’t get to know but had their life taken away just for being open.

You can give your all. You can walk with your head held high but unfortunately this doesn’t mean that people will respect you. Give respect but be careful of those who hate without reason. Stay safe. Being a good person doesn’t guarantee that others will be good to you so please stay safe.

You don’t have control over how others act but you have control over how you act. Look at the rainbow that represents gay pride and remember to love, remember to push forward. Stand up for what you believe in. This is your month, this is your time, don’t let anybody take that away from you. Be the person you want to be if it means you’re not hurting anybody.

“A world so hateful some would rather die than be who they are
And a certificate on paper isn’t gonna solve it all
But it’s a damn good place to start” – Macklemore

Take part on Twitter, educate and inform. Social media might not be favorable but it works. Spread the word; believe in the power that you have. Take others hands that are not as strong and be a role model for those who are scared or in no position to come out just yet. Know that you are a beautiful person and that you are loved. Don’t ever feel like you don’t belong because there’s a place for you.

Pride is also about letting loose, about reconnecting and making new friendships. Each year more and more communities host Pride events and each year attendance goes up! Be sure to check back with us as we share more about Pride Month and Pride Events near you and from all over the world!

To everyone, gay or straight, to those you have been beat up, taunted, picked on, teased, put down, cut off and kicked out based on sexuality…this is your month, this is your time, this is gay pride. Thank you for being you.
